Mirchandani, C., Wang, P., Jacobs, J., Genetti, M., Pepper-Tunick, E., Sullivan, W. T., Corbett-Detig, R., & Russell, S. L. (2024). Mixed Wolbachia infections resolve rapidly during in vitro evolution. (PloS Pathogens)

Chappell L, Peguero R, Conner W, Cooper B, Lustigman S, Sakanari J, Sullivan W. (2024) Fexinidazole and Corallopyronin A target Wolbachia bacteriocytes present in filarial nematodes (Submitted)

Warecki B, Vega G, Fowler S, Hartzog G, Karr T, Sullivan W. (2024) Wolbachia infection reduces the glutamate receptor (mGluR) levels promoting female promiscuity and bacterial spread (Submitted)

Porter, J., Sullivan, W. The cellular lives of Wolbachia. Nat Rev Microbiol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-023-00918-x. (Nature Reviews Microbiology)

Russel S, Castillo JR, Sullivan W. (2022) Wolbachia endosymbionts manipulate GSC self-renewal and differentiation to enhance host fertility. (biorxiv.org)

Warecki B, Titen SWA, Alam MS, Vega G, Lemseffer N, Hug K, Minden JS, Sullivan W. (2022) Wolbachia action in the sperm produces developmentally deferred chromosome segregation defects during the Drosophila mid-blastula transition. (Elife)

Bulman CA, Chappell L, Gunderson E, Vogel I, Beerntsen B, Slatko BE, Sullivan W, Sakanari JA. (2021) The Eagle effect in the Wolbachia-worm symbiosis. Parasit Vectors. 2021 Feb 24;14(1):118 (Parasites and Vectors)

Sullivan W. (2020) Vector Control: Wolbachia Expands Its Protective Reach from Humans to Plants. Curr Biol. 2020 Dec 21;30(24):R1489-R1491. (Current Biology)

Hübner MP, Gunderson E, Vogel I, Bulman CA, Lim KC, Koschel M, Ehrens A, Frohberger SJ, Fendler M, Tricoche N, Voronin D, Steven A, Chi V, Bakowski MA, Woods AK, Petrassi HM, McNamara CW, Beerntsen B, Chappell L, Sullivan W, Taylor MJ, Turner JD, Hoerauf A, Lustigman S, Sakanari JA. (2020). Short-course quinazoline drug treatments are effective in the Litomosoides sigmodontis and Brugia pahangi jird models. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 18-27. Epub 2019 Dec 10. PMID: 31869759 (The International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance)

Gunderson EL, Vogel I, Chappell L, Bulman CA, Lim KC, Luo M, Whitman JD, Franklin C, Young-Jun Choi Y-J, Lefoulon E, Clark T, Beerntsen B, Slatko B, Mitreva M, Sullivan W, Sakanari JA (2020). The endosymbiont Wolbachia rebounds following antibiotic treatment. PLoS Pathogens (PLoS Pathogens)

Russell S, Chappell L, Sullivan W (2019) A Symbiont”s Guide to the Germline. (Current Topics in Developmental Biology)

Bakowski MA, Shiroodi RK, Liu R, Olejniczak J, Yang B, GagaringK, Guo H, White PM, Chappell C, Debec A, Landmann F, Dubben B, Lenz F, Struever D, Ehrens A, Frohberger S, Sjoberg H, Pionnier N, Murphy E, Archer J, Steven A, Chunda VC, Fombad FF, Chounna PW, Njouendou AJ, Metuge HM, Ndzeshang BL, Gandjui NV, Akumtoh DN, Kwenti TD, Woods AK, Joseph SB, Hull MV, Xiong W, Kuhen KL, Taylor M, Wanji S, Turner JD, Hübner MP, Hoerauf A, Roland J, Tremblay MS, Schultz PG, Sullivan W, Chu X-J, Petrassi HM, McNamara CW (2019) Discovery of short-course anti-wolbachial quinazolines for elimination of filarial worm infections.
Science Translational Medicine (Science Translational Medicine)

Russell SL, Lemseffer N, Sullivan WT (2018) Wolbachia and host germline components compete for kinesin-mediated transport to the posterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte. PLoS Pathog 5;14(8) (PLoS Pathogens)

Sullivan W (2017) Wolbachia, bottled water, and the dark side of symbiosis. Mol Biol Cell. 28(18):2343-2346. (Molecular Biology of the Cell)

Sullivan W, O’Neill SL, Microbiology: Manipulation of the manipulators (2017). Nature 543(7644):182-183 (Nature)

White, PM, Serbus, LR, Debec, A, Codina, A, Bray, W, Guichet, A, Lokey, S, Sullivan, W (2017) Reliance of Wolbachia on High Rates of Host Proteolysis Revealed by a Genome-Wide RNAi Screen of Drosophila Cells. Genetics 205(4):1473-1488 (Genetics)

White PM, Pietri JE, Debec A, Russell S, Patel B, Sullivan W (2017) Mechanisms of horizontal cell-to-cell transfer of Wolbachia spp. in Drosophila melanogaster. Appl Environ Microbiol 17;83(7) (Applied and Environmental Microbiology)

Sullivan, W (2016) Endosymbiosis: The Remarkable Healing Powers of Wolbachia. Current Biology 26: R797-9 (Current Biology)

Pietri JE, DeBruhl H, Sullivan, W (2016) The rich somatic life of Wolbachia. Microbiology Open. doi: 10.1002/mbo3.390 (Microbiology Open)

Sullivan, W (2016) The untapped cell biology of neglected tropical diseases. Mol Biol. Cell 27(5):739-43. doi: 10.1091/mbc. e15-11-0771 (Molecular Biology of the Cell)

Serbus L, White P, Pintado Silva J, Rabe A, Teixeira L, Albertson R, Sullivan W (2015) The impact of host diet on Wolbachia titer in Drosophila. PLoS Pathogens 11(3):e1004777 (PLoS Pathogens)

Sullivan, W (2014) The institute for non-model organisms and other fantasies. Mol Biol Cell. 2015 Feb 1;26(3):387-9. (Molecular Biology of the Cell)

Tirmarche S, Kimura S, Sapey-Triomphe L, Sullivan W, Landmann F, Loppin B (2014) Drosophila protamine-like Mst35Ba and Mst35Bb are dispensable for male fertility. Genes, Genomes and Genomics: 4(11):2241-5. (G3: Genes, Genomes, and Genomics)

Landmann F, Foster J.M, Michalski S, Slatko BE, Sullivan W (2014) Co-evolution between an endosymbiont and its nematode host: Wolbachia asymmetric posterior localization and AP polarity establishment. PLOS Negl Trop Dis Aug; 8(8): e3096. (PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Albertson RJ, Tan V, Leads RR, Reyes M, Sullivan W, Casper-Lindley C (2013) Mapping Wolbachia distributions in the adult Drosophila brain. Cell Microbiol. (Cellular Microbiology)

Serbus LR*, Landmann F*, Bray WM, White PM, Ruybal J, Lokey RS, Debec A, Sullivan W. (2012) A Cell-Based Screen Reveals that the Albendazole Metabolite, Albendazole Sulfone, Targets Wolbachia. PLoS Pathog. Sep;8(9):e1002922. (PLoS Pathogens)

Landmann F, Bain O, Martin C, Uni S, Taylor MJ, Sullivan W. (2012) Both asymmetric mitotic segregation and cell-to-cell invasion are required for stable germline transmission of Wolbachia in filarial nematodes. Biology Open 000, 1-12. (Biology Open)

Landmann F*, Foster JM*, Slatko BE and Sullivan W (2012) Efficient in vitro RNA interference and immunofluorescence-based phenotype analysis in a human parasitic nematode, Brugia malayi. Parasites & Vectors 5:16 (13 January 2012). (Parasites & Vectors)

Landmann F, Voronin D, Sullivan W, Taylor MJ. (2011) Anti-filarial activity of antibiotic therapy is due to extensive apoptosis after Wolbachia depletion from filarial nematodes. PLoS Pathog 7(11): e1002351. (PLoS Pathogens)

Serbus LR, Ferreccio A, Zhukova M, McMorris C, Kiseleva E, Sullivan W. (2011) A feedback loop bewteen Wolbachia and the Drosophila gurken nRNP complex influences Wolbachia titer. J Cell Sci 2011 Dec 15;124:4299-308. (Journal of Cell Science)

Casper-Lindley C, Kimura S, Saxton DS, Essaw Y, Simpson I, Tan V, Sullivan W. (2011) Fluorescent-based method for rapid Wolbachia detection in the Drosophila germline and somatic tissues. Appl Environ Microbiol. 17 (44): 4788-4794. (Applied and Environmental Microbiology)

Ferri E, Bain O, Barbuto M, Martin C, Lo N, Uni S, Landmann F, Baccei SG, Guerrero R, de Souza Lima S, Bandi C, Wanji S, Diagne M, Casiraghi M. New insights into the evolution of Wolbachia infections in filarial nematodes inferred from a large range of screened species. PLoS One. 2011;6(6): e20843. (PLoS One)

Landmann F, Foster JM, Slatko B, Sullivan W. (2010) Asymmetric Wolbachia segregation during early Brugia malayi embryogenesis determines its distribution in adult host tissues. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 27;4(7):e758. (PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases)

Albertson R*, Casper-Lindley C*, Cao J, Tram U, Sullivan W (2009) Symmetric and asymmetric mitotic segregation patterns determine Wolbachia distribution in somatic host tissue. J Cell Sci. 122, 4570-4583. (Journal of Cell Science)

Landmann F, Orsi GA, Loppin B, Sullivan W. (2009) Wolbachia-mediated cytoplasmic incompatibility is associated with impaired histone deposition in the male pronucleus. PLoS Pathog. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000343. (PLoS Pathogens)

Clark ME, Bailey-Jourdain C, Ferree PM, England SJ, Sullivan W, Windsor DM, Werren JH. (2008) Wolbachia modification of sperm does not always require residence within developing sperm. Heredity 101(5): 420-8. (Heredity)

Serbus LR, Casper-Lindley C, Landmann F, Sullivan W. (2008) The genetics and cell biology of Wolbachia-host interactions. Annu. Rev. Genet 42: 683-707. (Annual Review of Genetics)

Serbus LR, Sullivan W. (2007) A cellular basis for Wolbachia recruitment to the host germline. PLoS pathogens 3 (12): 1930-1937. (PLoS Pathogens)

Tram U, Fredrick K, Werren JH, Sullivan W. (2006) Paternal chromosome segregation during the first mitotic division determines Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotype. J Cell Sci. 119: 3655-63. (Journal of Cell Science)

Ferree PM, Sullivan W. (2006) A Genetic Test of the Role of the Maternal Pronucleus in Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 173(2): 839-47. (Genetics)

Ferree, P.M., H.M. Frydman, J.M. Li, J. Cao, E. Wieschaus, W. Sullivan. (2005) Wolbachia utilize host microtubules and dynein for anterior localization in the Drosophila oocyte. PLoS Pathogens 2: 0111-0124. (PLoS Pathogens)

Tram, U., P. Ferree, and W. Sullivan. (2003) Identification of Wolbachia-host interacting factors through cytological analysis. Microbes Infect 5(11): 999-1011. (Microbes and Infection)

Tram, U., and W. Sullivan (2002) Role of delayed nuclear envelope breakdown and mitosis in Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility. Science. 296: 1124-1126. (Science)

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